
‘Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.’




Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain….

无论你的担子有多重 无论你的心有多痛

总是会有一缕阳光 照进你雨后内心的空洞

Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall;
But God’s always ready, to answer your call….

也许你会走错 甚至你会跌倒

上帝却从未改变 对你的微笑

He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
a word from His lips, can calm every fear…

他知道你的愁苦 和每一滴泪水

他的一句话语 让你的恐惧随风而飘

Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish, dawn’s early light…


清晨的第一缕阳光 定会将它赶跑

The Savior is waiting, somewhere above,
to give you His grace, and send you His love…

上帝在那里等待   给出他的微笑

God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.


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